CODEO WHAT IS CODEO? codeo is part of the business unit of FIVE ANGELS INVESTMENT (HOLDING) LIMITED British virgin Island (BVI) where we are engaged in business development and innovation in the digital-based financial world. through this company also supports the funding of digital startup companies through an incubation program held to grow new startups towards unicorns and even decacorns HOW TO HAVE A CODEO TOKEN ? Codeo tokens you can have through IEO on CATEX (now), BINANCE, COINEAL, ARCHIDAX and others. and after IEO you can also trade on exchanges where our target for the first year is 25 exchanges IS CODEO SAFE? Codeo is a secure digital asset because it stands on decentralized and secure Ethereum ERC 20 technology. Codeo continues to develop technology for security by building its own Blockchain network which will be released by the end of August 2020 ARE THERE ADDITIONAL ADVANTAGES OF HAVING CODEO TOKEN? by having codeo you will get an additional benefit of getting an annual ...