GLBrain is the best solution for solving global social network problems

Times are always changing, so are marketing trends. Marketing trends always develop following technological developments. Especially for online business owners who are certainly almost all marketing activities occur in cyberspace. Marketing channels or marketing channels that can be used by online business owners are many and varied. One of the big opportunities is marketing through social media for online businesses.
A few people do think that the use of social media tends to be negative, one of which is to reduce daily productivity.
Actually for this problem depends on the point of view and also how to use social media.
Social media is a medium for socializing with each other and done online that allows humans to interact without being limited by space and time.
This social media presence is important to increase visitors to your online business website. Where your website functions as an online business media and social media functions as marketing. Simply put, social media is a bridge that directs people to visit the online website that you run.
With so much potential in marketing your online business through social networks, you can’t just jump into working on that vast marketing. A mature communication strategy is needed so that the market in this social network is tackled effectively and efficiently.
Social media is one of the most effective ways to market your online business. Through social media, you can reach more people to find out the products that you offer that might not be reachable with other advertising media. Awareness of the importance of social media for the growth of your online business will increasingly open opportunities for growth and attract more consumers.
Managing social media in an online business can be challenging and requires a lot of time. Before starting management, make sure all members of the management team make this work a priority.
This commitment is a reminder to team members that their responsibilities are great because social media is a bridge for consumers to come to your online business.
And to find out the explanation and procedure of the company GLBrain has given the opportunity for investors and miners to work together and join this company. let’s look at the explanation below:
What is GLBrain?
GLBrain is an internet platform that solves major problems associated with the social networks and ecommerce platforms currently available to users. On one hand, users on communication platforms have lost ownership and control over their data. On the other hand, in managing their private lives and businesses on the internet, users face a fragmented market which forces them to navigate a wide range of apps and platforms with separate accounts.
GLBrain addresses these problems by offering a system of total data control and privacy as well as total transparency and trust when needed and bringing all essential communication, community management, and e-commerce functions on a single platform while returning full data ownership to the user. This is possible by the use of a unique chain-coded relational database and the use of hyperchain and blockchain technology.
Its chain-coded relational database is what differentiates GLBrain from all existing social media and ecommerce platforms. The latter are usually based on algorithmic systems oriented towards harvesting, processing, and monetizing user data. Despite the emergence of stricter regulation, states and publics still struggle to enforce transparency and accountability when it comes to social networks’ sale of user data to third parties.
Further GLBrain’s data structure allows for a number of unique features which range from facilitating local social entrepreneurship, to enabling small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) all over the world to make better use of the internet to promote and sell their goods and services, to linking up specific communities through customized chain codes to create novel ways of community management built on hyperchain and blockchain technology.

GLBrain is a community management interface, internet platform and online marketplace which makes use of a unique chain-coded relational database in order to offer users all the functions of online community management, a social network and online marketplace, while providing them with total data privacy and data ownership as well as total transparency and trust when needed.
GLBrain aspires to solve three major problems associated with the existing social network landscape:
● The lack of privacy and user control over, and the lack of transparency of corporate usage/exploitation of user data;
● The lack of possibilities to store any data chosen by its owners on a blockchain when needed so to create total trust and transparency;
● The absence of an integrated, all-in-one community management platform that has all the essential tools and communication channels, presentation features, online marketplace where a user can manage his private and business online persona and community in one place and can integrate and manage all existing communication routes including features like autotranslations from and to more than 100 languages.

With GLBrain we achieve three main things.
● We allow users to have access to all the functions of standard social networks while at the same time giving them full ownership and control over their data using our unique chaincoded relational database.
● We bring all tools necessary for private, social and business community management and local online entrepreneurship – advertising, customized landing pages, geographical tailoring and auto-translation – onto a single, data-secure platform.
● With the integration of ledger and blockchain solutions guaranteeing total transparency and trust whenever needed.

GLBrain Revolutionizes Online Community Management with the Help of Six Unique Core Features
1. The Content and Online Community Management part of GLBrain
Present yourself, create and manage your online community. Create or read content, social movements and polls or follow special authors. Read all content in your own language.
2. An Online Mall for Products, Services, Jobs and Real Estate
Create your online Mall Profile and publish your offers. Unique geographical selection and transaction attributes help the search process and advertising.
3. The communication part of GLBrain
Communicate with your friends in your own language, post pictures and share all posts to all your other social networks while experiencing guaranteed privacy and no advertising.

All these functions are made possible by GLBrain’s unique relational chain-coded database, hyperchain and Blockchain solution all subject to a patent pending.
● Relational Chaincoded Database and Hyperchains
In principle, a relational database identifies and accesses data in relation to other pieces of data contained within it. Data in the relational database is organized into tables which can have hundreds, thousands, or even millions of rows. Tables also consist of columns of data called records. Columns are labeled with a descriptive name and host a specific data type (Tables 1-7 in the diagram below).
GLBrain uses SkyFiber – the Third Generation Blockchain Technology
GLBrain is employing the highly efficient and scalable SkyFiber technology to run its blockchain applications. Both the GLBrain’s coin, GLB, and its External Receipt Ledger function are based on this revolutionary technology.
SkyFiber is a third generation blockchain platform invented by Bitcoin and Ethereum developers to implement Satoshi’s original vision and solve the existing problems with the current blockchain platforms. By offering a completely decentralized consensus algorithm immune to 51% attacks and bad actors while providing with infinite lateral scalability and high level of security, SkyFiber enables GLBrain to implement its own blockchain in a unique and revolutionary way.
SkyFiber is the foundation of blockchain 3.0 and can be best described as an infinitely scalable network of blockchains laid side by side, like strands. This is a technological feature that cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum will never be able to achieve, as they were never engineered to scale infinitely.

● Unparalleled Security
SkyFiber solves the security flaws associated with Proof of Work (POW) and Proof of Stake (POS) consensus algorithms. Thanks to its revolutionary consensus protocol called Obelisk, the GLBrain blockchain is immune to 51% attacks and prevents centralizing tendencies typical of POW and POS. This makes the GLB coin one of the most secure digital assets on the market.
● High Throughput
Bitcoin’s blockchain can handle 6 transactions per second (TPS) and Ethereum can handle 30 TPS. With Fiber, the GLBrain blockchain can currently handle 300 TPS with a target of 3000 TPS in future implementations. Fiber offers performance and reliability that are unmatched by the other blockchain solutions.
● No Transaction Fees
Bitcoin and Ethereum transactions can get very expensive in periods of high traffic. GLB users, on the other hand, are able to transact free of charge without incurring in the risk of network congestion. This is possible thanks to the Coin Hour system, which reduces the risk of spam transactions and keeps the network free of transaction fees.
● Low Energy Consumption
Bitcoin and Ethereum are damaging to the environment, requiring a huge amount of energy to mine. SkyFiber has been designed for environmental sustainability and does not require enormous amounts of electricity or billions of dollars of equipment to create new coins.
The GLB Coin and it’s Economy
The GLB coin is a utility token that provides discounted access to the business services of the GLBrain online platform.
● The supply of GLB is fixed at 300,000,000 coins.
● 40% will be offered in private and OTC sales and in a 3 steps IEO campaign.
● After the IEO, GLB will be available for trading on several exchanges.

Fund Allocation
Funds Deployed (2.1M EUR)
● Back-end Development of Chaincode System
● Development of Hyperchain System
● Development of Blockchain Technology
● Development of Internal Receipt Ledger
● Filing International Patent
● Agreements and onboarding first big communities
● 50.000 + registered users
● 300.000 + monthly viewers
Future Fund Allocation
● Marketing for online community management on all levels
● Running the GLBrain IEO / STO Campaign
● Expanding server capacity
● Building specific online marketing tool for disrupting rural marketing in India an Africa
● Building the Smart agreement ERL Ledger and mobile wallets
● Expansion of technical and marketing team
● Building customized token solutions for specific customers such as local online market places, NGO’s, or a coin to be used to help reach the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals).

Coin Prices
Coin prices during the individual sale events are set as follows:
● Coin base price: 0.10 €
● IEO:80m coins at 0.10 € – less discount from 15 %, 10 % and 5 % in the 3 phases of the IEO
● Total funds expected to be raised in IEO after deduction of cost: 5,300,000 USD
Use of Funds
Funds raised during the ICO campaign will be targeted at:
● 65%: Marketing and community expansion
● 15%: STO
● 10%: Blockchain integration, ERL development, hardware, software
● 10%: Staff
Coin Allocation
● Total Coin Supply: 300,000,000
● Coin base price: 0.1
● Presales: 37,2 Million GLB
● Phase 1 Price: 0.06
● Phase 2 Price: 0.07
● Phase 3 Price: 0.08
● IEO: 82.8 Million GLB
● Phase 1 Price: 0.085
● Phase 2 Price: 0.09
● Phase 3 Price: 0.095

● Start of the project
● Join development agreement with John Nesbitt University
● Foundation of Globra FZ-LLC
● Foundation of Globra GmbH
● Trademarks registration
● Back-end development
● Foundation of Globra d.o.o.
● Employment of key staff
● Back-end development
● Front-end development
● Launch of GLBrain
● Launch of MyLife
● Launch of GLMall
● Integrated community administration function
● Mobile first approach
● Hyperchain development
● Sahaj Project, India
● GLBrain + product development
● Blockchain development
● Patent application
● UN Coin Agreement
● GLBrain, India
● Saathi Project, India
● GLB Coin and wallet
● IEO Whitepaper and landing page
● Ayi+ Project, Haiti
● Completion of IEO
● STO Campaign
● Implementation of confidential agreement
● United Nation Coin and project
● External Receipt Ledger

1. Dr. Wolfgang Pinegger – CEO
2. Carolin Pinegger – Chief Marketing Officer
3. Dr. Carlo Maragliano – Blockchain Team Leader
4. Vladimir Povolny – Development Team Leader
5. Djordie Susic – Lead Developer
6. Aleksandar Sofranac – Art Director
1. Dr. Evan Luthra
2. Herbert Sim
3. Dr. Walter Schwimmer – Advisor and Mentor
4. Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Brunnhuber – Advisor
Summing up a small summary of all the above, I would like to note the high level of preparation of the GLBrain project. After all, despite the fact that I was able to tell only a small part about it, there are many more technical aspects in its structure that you will be extremely interested to learn about.
And to make this study as convenient and comfortable as possible for you, I have prepared all the necessary official social resources of the platform in advance. Links to which you will find at the end of this article.
I hope the information you read was useful and interesting. If this is the case, then like and subscribe to my channel. Also, don’t forget to share your opinion about the project in the comments.

To get clearer and more accurate information about the GLBrain project, please visit the link below:
Bitcointalk user name: Tough fighters
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2621040
Eth address:
Eth address:
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